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Product Type:
干衣机 - 营养和健康/ Small Scale Dryers



Most products undergo careful and thorough performance tests and experiments on pilot plants in order to determine optimum operating conditions for the production-sized plant. Small scale production is relevant, when the feed product is expensive, or if only small quantities are required.

Five good reasons for choosing Anhydro small scale plants:

  • High up-time and yield

  • Adaptability

  • 可重复性

  • 完整的过程控制

  • Compliance with the strictest factory standards

灵活性-Adaptability and built-in investment protection

yabo体育首页SPX Flow提供了各种小型蒸发器,喷雾烘干机,自旋闪光灯干燥机和流体床,可以适应任何需求 - 以及由不断变化的需求决定的新配置。

我们的小规模工厂解决方案包括一个基本模块,并yabo app提供丰富的其他选择。这使您只需添加标准化设备即可根据您的需求来定制植物。

Our dryers and evaporators are available as single- and two-stage solutions based on a unique "Plug-and-Produce" concept which eliminates almost all of the "hidden" extra costs. "Plug-and-Produce" means that you can install and commission the plant in a fraction of the time it takes for "customized solutions".

小规模植物的能力范围为1至500 kg/h,水蒸发,使您能够生产和后处理广泛的范围:

  • 优质的粉末

  • Agglomerated dust-free powders

  • Granules

安全 -Compliance with the strictest factory standards

The safety and well-being of your employees is critical. Our small scale plants are designed according to the same stringent health and safety standards as full-scale factory plants.

Powder and dust can pose threats ranging from explosion to respiratory damage due to inhalation. Noise can also be as big a problem with small-scale plants as it can be in the factory.

Small scale plants eliminate the risk of powder explosions by using four alternative explosion protection measures:

  • 破裂磁盘

  • Q-pipe Suppression systems

  • 惰性气体中的封闭周期操作

The risk of operator exposure to dust is also significantly reduced by:

  • 有效的清洁系统

  • 门锁卫生和气密连接

  • Intelligent start-up and shut-down procedures.

Ambient emissions are minimized by the use of wet scrubbers and efficient textile filters with cartridges or bags.


易于清洁-Greater yield with less downtime



Anhydro small scale plants are designed for thorough cleaning in the shortest possible time.

Two cleaning options are available:

  • Semi-manual integrated cleaning system

  • 全自动CIP系统。CIP站也可用

These cleaning systems offer a long line of advantages:

  • 有效的清洁

  • 增加的可用性

  • Less non-productive work

  • 最小的灰尘曝光

  • 我们的便利


Process control-完全控制一致性和文档

一致性和文档在小型工厂运行中与在全面制造环境中一样重要。先进的过程控制解决方案是炭疽小尺寸植物的自然部分。yabo app

Advanced process control is essential to consistency in experimental procedures and end-product quality. Data registration and logging are essential in order to document results.


Most small scale plants are equipped with a control system based on an industrial PLC system and a soft-touch colour screen as the operator interface. Process parameters and thresholds are displayed in clear text, for straightforward and efficient operation.

Process data are registered locally on the small scale plant. You can choose to have data passed directly to your own network via an Ethernet connection. Alternatively data can be stored on a portable smart card, enabling you to transfer process information to a desktop or laptop computer.


Micraspray 35 ANH-101 GB
MicraSpray75 ANH-102 US GB
Micraspray 150 ANH-103 US GB
MicraSpray400 ID-105 US GB
Micraspray 400多阶段ANH-107 US GB
MicraSpray750 ID-108 US GB
MicraSpray750 Multi-stage ANH-109 GB
MasterSpray1250 ANH-110 US GB
Masterspra​​y 2500 ID-112 US GB
Masterspra​​y2500多阶段ANH-113 GB
Small Scale Plants ANH-122 GB